I hope you all recovered from my last post! crazy eh!
I did a short flight from EGSS to EIDW which is one of my favorite routes. This time I flew the SID called BUZAD 4S which seemed to make sense at the time, and hell Luton wasn't online at the time so I didn't feel too bad about violating their airspace.
As you can see I have been fiddling with the atmospheric settings so I can have 3D clouds and better scattering, but if I have too much on I get software crashes often. The left image has that weird bar on it, it has something to do with my screen capture process. For some reason it also makes things move about, if I have OpenRadar open then it will cause the view to shift south-west by 40 miles.

The weekend was fairly routine ATC event, here are some shots of Sunday night. I have been trying to work on my queuing technique lately and on this occasion it seemed to work quite well. I had a good rate of attendance too, which is great! I love visitors!

Thanks to T-URBO for standing in for me for an hour on Sunday night, I had to dash from the computer and he ran the tower for me, and what would you know, it got busy right at that moment. When I got back I did a bit of ground control whilst he cleared his queue. It was pretty interesting to see someone else run the tower.
I have been experimenting with ATCPie, the work-flow is very different but it has so many cool and useful features that I keep going back to look at it. My main issue now is FP handling, the work-flow is very different to what I am used to I just need to get a handle on the best way to be efficient and not keep people waiting. I have yet had the option to push to the flight-plan exchange server working, but that should be a neat feature.I like all the additional windows and the fact you can undock anything and have it on another monitor, I REALLY like that.
The troll was much better this time. He logged in as the name of a country and then played awful music from that country, then when they would leave and rejoin as a new country and go again. He did about 8 different countries all with their own music lined up, the guy actually researched it beforehand!Troll rating 5/10 = Somewhat irritating (Including 2 bonus point for creativity)
ARHHH the good old troll, they cant help themselves, they just have to annoy people because they can, makes the feel wanted in some sick way lol